26 things I've learned at 26.
It’s that time of year again! I turn 26 this weekend (and I feel old), so it’s time for my yearly list. In no particular order, here’s 26 things I’ve learned at 26:
1. Air fryers. They’re simply revolutionary. I’ve lived in my apartment for three months, I cook more than I’ve ever cooked in my life, but I’ve only touched my oven once. Once!
2. Your college town can become even sweeter after you leave. Gainesville, FL has my heart forever, and the feeling I get driving into town is like no other.
3. The publishing industry feels like the Wild West.
4. Your 20s are this crazy time where it feels like all your friends are in both completely different stages of life than you, and the exact same one as you, all at once. Just rest in the fact that we all don’t know what we’re doing.
5. It blows my mind how deeply humans can hurt other humans. But remember that you’re not perfect either. Forgiveness might be the sweetest thing I learned about in year 25. Let water actually be under the bridge.
6. Take the risk. Most of the time, you’ll learn something no matter which way it goes.
7. By the same token, moving to a new city, a completely new state for that matter, alone, might be the scariest but best thing I’ve ever done. I’m a new person. And happier than I’ve been in a long time.
8. Making friends as an adult is hard. This next part might sound crazy – try the internet! With caution, of course. But I made some friends within my first month in Nashville because of an app on my phone.
9. TSA Pre-Check is a good investment.
10. Keep going. Even if it feels like all you’re doing is failing, even when you get your 125th “no”, ghosted by another publisher, and today feels a little harder than yesterday. I’ve chosen to trust that effort will pay off. Even if it takes longer than I hoped.
11. Be honest with other people about how you’re feeling. No matter how scary it is for you to tell them.
12. Call your grandma first, and she’ll stop power calling you! (Love you, Grandma.)
13. A good brewery + pizza + friends = my dream Friday night.
14. Speaking of Friday night, the only repeat that I foresee making this list every year: Friday Night Lights is the best TV show ever!!!
15. Don’t feel like you have to prove yourself to absolutely everyone. You can’t and you won’t.
16. It’s unavoidable and sometimes healthy to disagree. And you can still love the person you’re disagreeing with.
17. Dishwasher liquid works better than the pods, and nobody can change my mind.
18. Living alone again has honestly been fantastic! That is… until I’m the one who has to kill the bugs.
19. Hurt is real. And skepticism can become deeply rooted, fast. But nothing will change if you don’t decide to do something about it, besides just talking or complaining about it.
20. Tennessee Orange is even uglier up close, but Southern Hospitality does exist. (But not many people seem to appreciate my overuse of “Go Gators” around here.)
21. I have never physically worked so hard in my life, only to have my body fight against me in more ways than it ever has before. Being disabled has been different almost every year of my life, and I’m nowhere near perfect in dealing with it.
22. Host your friends. Buy sheets for your couch and steal your parents’ air mattress before you move. It’ll be some of the best weekends you have.
23. My crutches and I have never moved faster than the time my apartment had a false fire alarm at night, and I had to make it down four flights of stairs, somewhat half asleep.
24. Nashville hot chicken is HOT. (My soul left my body, and I told my friend she might have to google where the nearest ER was.) (Yes, I’m a little dramatic.) (But for real. It is not for the weak. AKA me.)
25. Life’s best surprises are often the things you never even thought of or once said you would never do. Appreciate your own growth as a person.
26. You’ll be okay. It’ll work out.
No, for real. You’re doing just fine.
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